Constructs the Klasa client
The action store.
The rest api interface
The application info cached from the discord api
The cache where argument resolvers are stored
The {@link Channel channels} that have been cached, mapped by their {@link Channel#id IDs}.
The cache where commands are stored
The console for this instance of klasa. You can disable timestamps, colors, and add writable streams as configuration options to configure this.
The {@link DMChannel DM channels} that have been cached, mapped by their {@link Channel#id IDs}.
The event store.
The cache where extendables are stored
The cache where finalizers are stored
The GatewayStore instance where the gateways are stored
The collection of guilds the client is currently handling, mapped by their {@link Guild#id IDs}
The cache where inhibitors are stored
The {@link Invite invites} that have been cached, mapped by their codes.
The cache where languages are stored
The regexp for a prefix mention
The cache where monitors are stored
The options to use for this client
The owners for this bot
The permissions structure for this bot
The Store registry.
The cache where providers are stored
The Schedule that runs the tasks
The Serializers where serializers are stored
The Settings instance that handles this client's settings
The cache where tasks are stored
The client user
The directory where the user files are at.
The users that have been cached, mapped by their {@link User#id IDs}.
The WebSocket manager
The base Permissions that the {@link Client#invite} asks for. Defaults to [VIEW_CHANNEL, SEND_MESSAGES]
The default Client Schema
The default Guild Schema
The default PermissionLevels
The default User Schema
The plugin symbol to be used in external packages
Returns a new Cache of all guild emojis.
The invite link for the bot
Sets the token to use for the api.
Sweeps all text-based channels' messages and removes the ones older than the max message or command message lifetime. If the message has been edited, the time of the edit is used rather than the time of the original message.
Messages that are older than this (in milliseconds) will be removed from the caches. The default is based on {@link ClientOptions#messageLifetime}
Messages that are older than this (in milliseconds) will be removed from the caches. The default is based on {@link CommandHandlingOptions#messageLifetime}
Connects websocket to the api.
Destroys all timers and disconnects all shards from the websocket
Loads all plugins to your Client/Extended Client
Registers a custom store to the client
The store that pieces will be stored in
Un-registers a custom store from the client
The store that pieces will be stored in
Caches a plugin module to be used when creating a Client instance
The module of the plugin to use
Generated using TypeDoc
The client for handling everything. See {@tutorial GettingStarted} for more information how to get started using this class.