The defaults for this schema.
Whether or not this instance is ready.
The first item in this Cache
The first key of this cache
The first value of this cache
The last item in this cache
The last key of this cache
The last value of this cache
Add a new entry to the schema.
The name for the key to add
The datatype, will be lowercased in the instance
The options for the entry
Returns a shallow clone of this Cache
Returns a new Cache with this and other caches together
Other caches to include in the new cache
Removes an entry from this instance.
The key of the element to remove
Naive equality compare function
The cache to compare this against
Tests if every entry in this cache meets a condition
The function to test the condition
Optional binding for the fn param
Returns a new filtered Cache based on the filter function
Function used to determine what entries are in the new Cache
Optional binding for the fn param
Finds an entry from this Cache
Function used to find what you are looking for
Optional binding for the fn param
Finds a key from this Cache
Function used to find what you are looking for
Optional binding for the fn param
Finds a value from this Cache
Function used to find what you are looking for
Optional binding for the fn param
Maps this Cache to an array (like Array#map())
Function to determine what is mapped to the new Array
Optional binding for the fn param
Reduces this cache into a singularity
The function to determine how this Cache is reduced
The initial value
Optional binding for the fn param
Adds or replaces an entry to this instance.
The key of the entry to add
The entry to add
Tests if some entries in this cache meets a condition
The function to test the condition
Optional binding for the fn param
Sorts entries in-place in this Cache
Function to determine how this Cache should be sorted
Sorts entries in a new Cache
Function to determine how the resulting Cache should be sorted
Sweeps entries from this Cache
Function used to determine what entries are swept
Optional binding for the fn param
Returns an object literal composed of all children serialized recursively.
Generated using TypeDoc
Constructs the schema