The current interval that runs the tasks
The Client instance that initialized this instance
An array of all processed ScheduledTask instances
Get all the tasks from the cache
Returns a new Iterator object that contains the values for each element contained in the task queue.
Adds a task to the cache
The name of the task
The time or Cron pattern
Sets the interval when needed
Clear the current interval
Inserts the ScheduledTask instance in its sorted position for optimization
The ScheduledTask instance to insert
Clear all the ScheduledTasks
Adds a new task to the database
The name of the task
The time or Cron pattern
The options for the ScheduleTask instance
Delete a Task by its ID
The ID to search for
Execute the current tasks
Returns the next ScheduledTask from the id
The id of the ScheduledTask you want
Init the Schedule
Return the next ScheduledTask pending for execution
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