The user's avatar hash.
Whether or not the user belongs to an OAuth2 application.
The user's 4-digit discord-tag.
The user's email.
The flags on a user's account.
The user's ID.
The id for the last message recieved for this user
The user's chosen language option.
Whether or not the user has two factor enabled on their account.
The type of Nitro subscription on a user's account.
The public flags on a user's account.
The user level settings for this context (user || default)
Whether or not the user is an Official Discord System user (part of the urgent message system).
The user's username, not unique across the platform.
Whether or not the email on this account has been verified.
Gets an existing DMChannel from the cache.
The Date when this object was created at
The time when this object was created at
Returns the default discord avatar url for the user's discriminator.
Returns the users username and discriminator.
Returns the users avatar url.
The image size, format and other options.
Basic clone method
Closes a DM channel for this user if one exists.
Returns the users avatar url or the default discord avatar url if they don't have a avatar.
The image size, format and other options.
Gets or Fetches a DM channel for this user.
Returns the JSON-compatible object of this instance.
Defines toString behavior for members.
The basic value of this Structure
Generated using TypeDoc
Klasa's Extended User