The guild's id of AFK channel.
The guild's AFK timeout in seconds.
The guild's application id of the guild creator if it is bot-created.
The approximate number of members in this guild, returned from the GET /guild/<id>
endpoint when with_counts
is true
The approximate number of online members in this guild, returned from the GET /guild/<id>
endpoint when with_counts
is true
The guild's banner hash.
The guild's bans.
A store of channels for this guild.
The guild's default message notifications level.
Whether the guild is deleted.
The guild's description.
The guild's discovery splash hash.
The guild's store of custom emojis.
The guild's explicit content filter level.
The guild's enabled features.
The guild's icon hash.
The guild ID.
The guild's store of integrations.
The guild's store of invites.
When this guild was joined at.
Whether this is considered a large guild.
The maximum amount of members for the guild.
The maximum amount of presences for the guild (the default value, currently 25000, is in effect when null is returned).
Total number of members in this guild. This field will only be present if a guild was received from the GUILD_CREATE
A store of members for this guild.
The guild's required Multi-Factor Authentication level.
The guild's name (2-100 characters).
The guild's owner ID.
The guild's total permissions for the user in the guild (does not include channel overrides).
The preferred locale of a PUBLIC
guild used in guild discovery and notices from Discord; defaults to "en-US".
The number of boosts this guild currently has.
The guild's guild Boosting tier
A store of presences for this guild.
The id of the channel where admins and moderators of "PUBLIC" guilds receive notices from Discord.
The guild's voice region id for the guild.
The guild's store of roles.
The id of the channel where "PUBLIC" guilds display rules and/or guidelines.
The guild level settings for this context (guild || default)
The guild's store of integrations.
The guild's splash hash.
The system channel flags.
The system channel ID.
Whether or not this guild is unavailable.
The vanity invite code for the guild.
The guild's required verification level.
A store of voice states for this guild.
The widget for this guild.
The channel id for the guild widget.
Whether or not the guild widget is enabled.
The Date when this object was created at
The time when this object was created at
When this guild was joined at, as a Date.
The language configured for this guild
The Client's member of this guild.
The owner of this guild.
Basic clone method
Deletes the guild permanently.
The additional request options.
Returns the guild preview.
Returns a list of voice region objects for the guild.
Returns a partial {@link Invite invite} for guilds that have the feature enabled.
Returns the icon url for the guild if one is available.
The image size and format options.
Makes the client leave the guild.
Modifies the guild's settings.
The additional request options.
Returns a number indicating the number of members that would be removed in a prune operation.
The number of days to count prune and the included roles.
The additional request options.
Begins a prune operation.
The number of days to count prune and the included roles.
The additional request options.
Returns the JSON-compatible object of this instance.
Defines the toString behavior of this structure.
The basic value of this Structure
Generated using TypeDoc
Klasa's Extended Guild