The message this prompt is for
The usage for this prompt
The options of this prompt
A cache of the current usage while validating
How many time this class has reprompted
Whether the current usage is a repeating arg
Whether the current usage is required
The string arguments derived from the usageDelim of the command
The channel to prompt in
The client this TextPrompt was created with
Whether this prompt should respect flags
The flag arguments resolved by this class
The number of re-prompts before this TextPrompt gives up
The message this prompt is for
The parameters resolved by this class
Whether this prompt should respect quoted strings
If the command reprompted for missing args
The target this prompt is for
The time-limit for re-prompting
The typing state of this CommandPrompt
The usage for this prompt
Map of RegExps caching usageDelim's RegExps.
Regular Expression to match flags with quoted string support.
Splits the original message string into arguments.
The original message string
Finalizes parameters and arguments for this prompt.
Decides if the prompter should reprompt or throw the error found while validating.
The error found while validating
Validates and resolves args into parameters, when multiple types of usage is defined
The id of the possible usage currently being checked
The resolved parameters
Prompts the target for a response
The message to prompt with
Prompts the target for a response
Pushes a parameter into this.params, and resets the re-prompt count.
The resolved parameter
Collects repeating arguments.
Collects missing required arguments.
The reprompt error
Runs the custom prompt.
The message to initially prompt with
The parameters resolved
Runs the custom prompt.
The parameters resolved
Validates and resolves args into parameters
The resolved parameters
Generate a new delimiter's RegExp and cache it
The delimiter
Parses a message into string args
The remaining content
The delimiter
Parses a message into string args
The remaining content
The delimiter
Parses a message into string args taking into account quoted strings
The remaining content
The delimiter
Generated using TypeDoc
A class to handle argument collection and parameter resolution